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Showing posts from September, 2012

N°7 (5) Red Alert : Hell March

Just a clarification on the title: this post shoud have been n°5, but I actually published the n°6 before. So this one becomes n°7. Logic, I don't have it. Those who follow me since the beginning will have notice that so far, orchestral soundtracks have dominated this blog. So let's have a little break from that and have some metal. Released in 1996, Red Alert has been a huge success and quickly became one of the most well known RTS franchise. And there is this particular song. For the younger readers of this blog, there was a time when soundtrack weren't all  dubstep or grandiloquent orchestral pieces done by orchestras from eastern Europe (Because hey, it's cheap). Just a single groovy bass line, some melody to go with it and drums, and there you go, you had your soundtrack. And the Hell march is one of those sountracks. Starting out with some bass, followed by roaring guitars, it's a pretty good soundtrack for a game dealing with a communist invasion...

N°6: Return to castle Wolfenstein-Action

We're in september, people are going back to work, others are going back to school, and overall, it's depressing. So here is something to give you a little boost. Released in 2001, Return to Castle Wolfenstein ( from now I'll write RtCW. The whole thing is too damn long) is close of being FPS' excellence. It features a decent story-line, humour, neat graphics (at least for 2001), and a fast, skilled, unforgiving gameplay. Oh, you have probably guessed by now, it also has an excellent OST.(yep, there's a reason of talking about this game on this blog), an OST made, like most WWII shooters, of grandiloquent orchestral pieces. But then , there is this particuliar piece, simply called "action." And well, I couldn't see a better name for it. You'll mostly hear it ingame when you just failed to be subtle / something big is coming at you. And you hear it, you know  you have to move on. The massive string ensemble, the fantastic drums plowing your hea...