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Off-topic N°1, and what's yet to come

No music this time (this will come this Sunday, in order to catch back the normal pace after the previous post, which was 1 week late), but a few words from me. Considering it went live only a few weeks ago, this blogs has a more than decent progression, as it is about to break the 100 hits mark. I'm really happy of how it goes.
And this leads me to the second point: you who ended up there, don't be afraid to give your opinion.

I'd really appreciate some feedback on my choices, my writing, the layout, and generally speaking how I could improve this blog even more. Feel free to use the comments for whichever questions, suggestions you may have or even to chat a bit. Or drop me a mail at It'd be much appreciated.

Back to music. What can you expect ? Hum let's see what I have : Some good old 8bit music straight from the 80-90's, some music epic enough to blow up your speakers taken from some of the best  underrated games released those last years, and much much more. Oh , what do I see in the bottom of my bag ? That's right, we'll also have a look at Silent Hill's OSTs. Yep, nothing less that Silent Hill.

See you all later.


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